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Performance Management

Performance Management 8Our passion is to improve the quality of patient care in the acute and post-acute care settings. We support our hospitals and skilled nursing facilities by implementing disease management processes, strong practice infrastructure, and sound leadership. We measure performance, identify the drivers of critical issues, develop evidence-based processes, and work collaboratively with our clients to continuously improve care.

The purchasers of health care are increasingly requiring demonstrable quality and for lower costs. Hospitals are gradually being made to take on greater financial risk for struggling to meet core measures or meet readmissions targets. Payors are also looking towards patient satisfaction metrics as a payment incentive and to stratify preferred hospitals. At the same time, skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, and outpatient groups are increasingly being asked to share financial risk through bundled payments and accountable care.

Essex Inpatient Physicians is well acquainted with the rapidly evolving challenges facing healthcare providers. Our engaged clinician leadership and clinical staff will work collaboratively with our hospital and skilled nursing facility partners to meet these new challenges.

Our presence across the inpatient spectrum of care in acute care hospitals, specialty hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities puts us in a unique position to identify certain quality improvements, such as reduced readmission rates and improved length of stay. We also employ data-driven approaches to develop new tools and processes to improve care.